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July 7, 2022

I don’t have Birthdays
my days just add up, I’ll be old when I’m old
when there is no longer anyone left
to celebrate my Birthday, or theirs

no cake, like back when they used to celebrate my Birthday
no presents, no visits from Aunts & Uncles I didn’t know
back when they used to celebrate my Birthday

back before that person I now know as Me
before I lived by the sea, before I knew Poems 
before they used to celebrate my Birthday

Now, I don’t have Birthdays
each day as same as the other, my days just add up
the nights just attempts at subtraction

the cars on the highway don’t stop to celebrate my Birthday
no one at the diner raises a cup to celebrate my Birthday
like when they used to celebrate my Birthday

before I became the sand that is swept from my hallway
like those that used to bring cake & presents 
back when they used to celebrate my Birthday

when my days added up to the next time they added up
before I didn’t have Birthdays
back when they used to celebrate my Birthday

From → Poems

One Comment
  1. Lee, when are you going to put together your poems for a book, you have plenty of good ones. Let me know if you need any help, e.g., advice, sources, etc.

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